External Data Conference
AUG 2019 - NOV 2019
EXDC, hosted and organized by Thinknum, was the world's first annual conference focused on applications of external data for business, investor and media intelligence. The event was held in The Times Center in New York City, on November of 2019. I was the sole designer of the conference, from branding to production.
External -> Extend.
Logo & Wordmark
The driving factor for the brand was the word "external", and using the verbiage to play on the concept of extension. I took this to design the logo, utilizing dots that extended to lines. This would later inform the brand system as a whole by incorporating the same shapes in different deliverables.
Typography & Color
The color palette also followed the same thought process and used a gradient as an overarching group, followed by key selections within that gradient. Each of these key colors represented a specific sector topic that was covered in the conference.
Designing for all channels.
The site detailed what the event was about, what external data is, past speakers / sponsors, signups, as well as videos of talks from the past event.
Emails, social posts, and physical billboard ads were designed to get traction for the event and acquire signups.
The Show
Designing the Experience.
Day-of-show deliverables and gifts were designed and produced, including a leaflet, badges, t-shirt, tote, and notebook.
The Experience
Worked with Sets & Effects to produce a cohesive environmental experience for the event at The Times Center.